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4th year project at ICAN.
Design and prototype in two weeks a VR game.
Unity, HTC VIVE.
Game Designer.
The player is a alien cook in 0g (without gravity). All of his tools and ingredients floats around in chaos. He has to organize this mess and make sandwichs. He will discover new combination of ingredient to make more and more strange but tasty sandwichs
Le principe de Space Cuisine VR est de découvrir des combinaisons d'ingrédients pour créer différents plat.
To create a new ingredient and to make a sandwich, the player needs to throw the adequate ingredient at each other.
Example :
- We cut a octopus to get the ingreditent "tentacle".
- We slice a breade to get the injgredient "Slive Bread"
- We throw the tentacle into the slice bread. If the velocity is right, it will combine into a tentacle sandwich.

Launched tentacle into slice bread
Tentacle sandwich
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