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2nd semester project of my 2nd year at ICAN
Design a game with the "Signal" thematic
Game Designer, Narrative Designer
You are employed in the Encrypted Listening Department ( Département d’écoutes Cryptées in french) where your job is to report the messages you decrypt using a specific machine. An agent investigates in the field, send you encrypted files. Your job is to decrypt them and send the report of each file to your superiors.
Game Play
The player must be able to synchronize the signals present in the level a certain amout of time. These signals can move and are invisible to the player if they are too far away from his avatar.
The initial tension of the game, bringing the avatar to the center at the slightest release of the stick, means that the player have to continuously pressing the stick while following it to be synchronize.
The game is played only with the joystick.
It is strongly recommended to wear a helmet for a better gaming experience.

Rational Game Design Documentation
Strories of D.E.C.
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