First semester project of my 1st year at ICAN
Design a board game with the material of an antique game.
Graphiste 2D, Game Designer
Two great rival families in Mexico fight every year on the Day of the Dead to have the good graces of Catrina and become unforgettable!
-A tray of twenty-four squares, in 5x5, whose central square is a hole.
-The Catrina, a square that can be placed in the middle of the board.
-Twelve red tokens and twelve blue tokens.
Preparation and development
The board is empty.
Each player chooses his team (red or blue).
There 12 tokens per team.
The goal of the game is to control the rows and columns to score points. The player with the most points wins.
To determine who starts, each player must select a team and then throw the center piece,
"The Catrina", in the air. The color of the visible face indicates the team that will start.
During the game, players place one token of their team each turn on the board until they are exhausted.
Score points
To score points, you must control the lines and columns by having more tokens placed on it than your opponent.
In a controlled line or column, you score as many points as the largest consecutive sequence of token in it.
In the example above, the red player controls the column and scores 2 points.
The player count the points when the players have no more token and the "Catrina" is positioned on its proper face.
Positioning the Catrina
It face will have the same color as the most important group in contact with the center of the board..
In this example above, it is the reds who capture the Catrina since they have the largest group in contact with the center. The Catrina is then considered to be a red token for now on.
End of game example
In the example above, the blue team wins with 16 points against 12 for the red team. Points couting may seem complicated but it is not. Just count it one line at a time.
To make the game more challenging, you can put the token face down. At the end you flip all the token and count the point.
It can add a twist to who won the game !